A downloadable game for Windows and Android

You know what is it lol

If you try to launch the android version, it will work!

Two thing have been added: Audio Player, Add Notebook

Don't ask ideas.


Fasguy: for the mod menu

If you can't open the mod menu in android, just pause the game and then click it


Assembly-CSharp.dll 5.3 MB
BaldisBasicsBirthdayBash_Android.apk 60 MB

Install instructions

(pc only) Download it and then replace the assembly csharp in baldi basics birthday bash managed folder.

if you haven't it then click here

Development log


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(1 edit) (+1)

How use map editor,I can't?


for some reasons it doesn’t work on mobile 


Veyr good

why link


There is the link now.

