3D Baldi update

Baldi 7.0 Mod - Update Dev Log

Update Version: 7.0

New Features

  • Baldi is Now in 3D! I've brought Baldi into the third dimension! You can now experience Baldi in 3D, complete with a nice ruler animation for added immersion. Please note that Baldi's counting is not yet implemented in 3D, and the 2D sprites will still appear when Baldi is praising you or is frozen.
  • New Sound Effects I've added new sound effects to enhance your experience when using the following items:
    • Quarter
    • Tape Player
    • Dirty Chalk Eraser
    • Swinging Door Lock

Adjustments and Balancing

  • Vending Machines Vending machines can now only be used once per game. This change adds a new layer of strategy to resource management, so think carefully before using them!
  • Baldi Speed in Extreme Mode I've made Baldi a little faster in Extreme Mode to up the challenge. Prepare for an even more intense experience!

Bug Fixes

  • Presents in Hard Mode Fixed a bug where the presents item wouldn't function correctly in Hard Mode. The presents should now work as intended.

Gameplay Improvements

  • Move While Jump-Roping You can now move while jump-roping, giving you more control and flexibility during gameplay. This change should make it easier to navigate the schoolhouse even when caught in a jump-rope session.

Known issues

  • The player camera is placed in a wrong position when baldi catch the player
  • 2D baldi can still be seen when baldi is praising you or is frozen.
  • Baldi counting doesn't exist with the 3d model
  • About menu unavailable

That's all for this update! I hope you enjoy the new 3D Baldi, sound effects, and gameplay tweaks in the Baldi 7.0 mod. As always, your feedback is welcome, so let me know what you think and stay tuned for future updates!

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