Second floor update

Baldi 7.0 Mod - Update Dev Log

Update Version: 7.0

New Features and Events

  • New Event: Test Procedure I've added an exciting new event called "Test Procedure." During this event, players will encounter a unique challenge that tests their problem-solving skills under pressure. Be prepared, as this event may require quick thinking and strategy to overcome!
  • Water Fountain To help players manage their stamina better, i've introduced water fountains throughout the schoolhouse. Players can now refill their stamina by using these fountains, providing a much-needed boost during intense moments.
  • Second Floor in the Cafeteria The cafeteria has been expanded! I've added a second floor, creating more space and adding new paths for exploration. This additional floor introduces new gameplay dynamics and opportunities for evading characters.

Balancing and Adjustments

  • Johnny's Store - Price Reductions I've adjusted the pricing in Johnny's store to make items more accessible:
    • Apple: The price has been reduced to 1000 points.
    • Grapple: Now available for just 500 points.
  • Principal Behavior Adjustment The Principal has been reworked to give players more breathing room. After spotting you breaking the rules, he will now give up after 30 seconds and won't catch you anymore. Use this time wisely to escape or plan your next move!

Bug Fixes

  • Pause Menu Fix I've addressed an issue with the pause menu that caused it to malfunction in previous versions. The pause menu should now work correctly, allowing players to pause the game without any interruptions.


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41 days ago
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41 days ago

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